princess' schedule

loose schedule for day to day. only the daily upkeep that is necessary but not obvious is listed -- not things like eating or taking breaks, which should be done intuitively.

time of day
morning (9-10PM)
  wake-up routine (2H)
brush teeth
wash face
change into normal clothes
have coffee
plan big 3 tasks for the day
brush and do hair
moisturize/put on makeup
  big 3 for today
kitchen restored
unlocked areas restored
baker's rack clean
afternoon (12pm)
cleaning effort time (30m)
doll/project/planning (30m)
meal/drink/ice prep (30m)
cooking/extra cleaning time (30m)
exercise (30m)
10 sit-up and sit-down
10 wall push-ups
30 secs wall plank
60 secs jumping jacks
60 secs trunk twists

evening (6PM)
calorie counting/journaling (30m)
self-care time (30m)
enrichment time (30m)
other tasks free period (1H)
self-care: shower, do nails, get sunlight

enrichment: learn something new or practice

* this is a good time to get PJs ready for today and clothes ready for tomorrow.
late evening (12am)
  bedtime routine (30m)
brush teeth
put on PJs
swap room to night mode
  pre-bed planning & wind-down (2H)